We are innovating the way process improvement works.

Our solutions are designed and build to work as a force multiplier – combining structure and processes from traditional quality systems with mechanisms to empower individuals – making the employees take responsibility for their own way of working in a environment where the organization get full and lasting benefit.

We understand and respect that companies and organizations are different – but it is our experience that these same companies and organizations are fighting some of the same challenges establishing and maintaining an efficient process infrastructure. We are there to help solving the problems and thereby multiplying the effects of your process improvement initiatives.

Our background is in high-performing, product development systems- and software organizations and within process improvement. Our trademark is lots of practical experience. Whenever software is an important part of the product or is supporting the service, our solutions is there to work as force multipliers and increase the ROI of your improvement activities.

Please contact us to have a quick insight into our solutions.

We Are a Company of Passionate Designers and Developers


Flexible Development

We manage our product development using a combination of road map planning and Scrum.

User Focused

We plan our sprint according to 1) the needs of our existing customers 2) vision for our products.


The Latest Updates

We encourage our customers to upgrade to the newest versions as soon as they become available.


Excellent Service

Providing customers with all kinds of material any time they need help, to make them succeed.